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If a person is goth they generally have a particular interest in certain types of alternative music and dress in a a dark manner including a lot of black clothing and makeup - somewhat like the musician Marilyn Manson. Each goth individual will have their own preference and tastes such as tattoos, piercings, combat boots etc. They don't necessarily have a hateful, racial or bad attitude or are troublesome they just may like the music and prefer the look and comfort of what they want to wear and how they would like to express themselves.

Being goth means many things, far too many to say here but I will try. A lot of the deeper aspects of being goth can be hard to understand because they are sometimes very abstract. Being Goth is about thinking and feeling to very limits of your being. Its about seeing the light in the darkness as well as transforming your own pain into beauty and into something positive. It's about exposing the lies in the world around you as much as you can and about being true to your self by being honest with your self and by knowing yourself completely. It's about exploring your own uniqueness and creativity as an individual and constantly pushing the boundaries of conventional society and never letting the mainstream way of being or thinking shame you or make you afraid to be who you really are. It's about having the strength to face the harsher realities in this world for what they really are instead of turning away from them and pretending they don't exist. Its about exploring the unknown, shadowy or mysterious things in this world, whatever those things may be in an attempt to gain a greater understanding of the world and yourself. And lastly, its about being able to see beauty in all things, light and dark, and to be able to appreciate the beauty you see in all things to very heights of your Being.

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