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Q: What does it mean if an organism is homozygous?
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An individual with two identical alleles of a gene is?

An organism that has two identical alleles for a trait is known as a homozygote or a homozygous organism.

What does it mean that an organism is homozygous dominant for a trait?

Homozygous Dominant for a trait means that an organism has two dominant alleles for that trait. Here's an example: Trait: Widow's Peak Widow's Peak allele: Dominant (D) No widow's peak allele: Reccessive(d) Homozygous Dominant (DD) Homozygous Reccessive (dd) Heterozygous (Dd)

If a horse is homozygous what does that mean?

It means that the organism will breed true - in other words, the offspring will resemble the parents.

What is the difference between homozygote and homozygous?

A homozygote is a homozygous organism. An organism can be a heterozygote or a homozygote. "Hetero" means different and "Homo" means the same.

What is it called when an organism that has two alleles that are the same?

the organism that have two identical alleles would be called homozygous for that particular gene.

Terms that describe two alleles of the same gene?

It sounds like you are referring to homozygous vs heterozygous. If an organism has two identical alleles of the same gene, it is said to be homozygous. If an organism has two different alleles of the same gene, it is said to be heterozygous.If a homozygous organism has two identical dominantalleles, it is said to be homozygous dominant, while an organism with two identical recessive alleles is said to be homozygous recessive.If this was not what you're asking, please clarify your question on the discussion page so someone can improve this answer.

An organism that has two identical alleles for a trait?

Are known as homozygous. Homozygous individuals can also be called 'purebred'. Organisms with two different alleles are known as heterozygous.

Organism possessing two identical genes for a trait is said to be?

An organism that has two different alleles of the same gene is a heterozygous organism. Due to the various effects of different alleles, an organism's traits do not reveal its genetic composition.

What is the term used to refer to an organism that has two indentical alleles for the particular trait?

The term used to refer to an organism that has two indentical alleles for the particular trait is homozygous. A trait could be homozygous dominant (TT), homozygous recessive (tt), or homozygous for incomplete dominance (rr).

An organism that is true breeding for a trait is said to be?


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What cross should a scientist perform in order to determine if the organism is heterozygous or homozygous dominant?

Scientists use a test cross to determine if an organism is heterozygous or homozygous dominant.