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a number of infections can cause tears of blood, but Ebola is most likely. Supernaturally, When it's down to mythology and theology, it could mean a demon or the devil is around; but that's only on angels

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If you just bleed from your nose, it is simply a bloody nose. If you have them once a day or more, you should probably see a doctor. If your bleeding through your eyes (though I've never seen someone do THAT) I would think you should definetely see your doctor. The sooner the better, probably. If your bleeding through your eyes and nose at the same time I would think you should see a doctor too.

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you popped a vessel in your eye.
It just means that you need to visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Vision is so important; don't guess what is going on.

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Q: What does it mean if blood comes out of your eyes like tears?
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Why blood oozes out from eyes in the form of tears?

You need to see a ophthalmologist like now!

What are the pro's and con's of tears as a defense mechanism?

Tears help to keep viruses, bacteria, and foreign objects out of the eyes. However, many people's eyes overproduce tears in response to things like allergies. This can cause them to look distressed and contribute to problems like runny nose.

Can a cow or horse have tears?

Cows and horses do have tears. They are different than ours though. Their tears keep their eyes from drying out, just like us. But they don't cry.

What is it like to be a famous gymnast?

Hard work, tears, sweat and blood =)

Does goop in your dogs eyes mean that they have an infection?

No not neciseraly. It means that if your dog has stuff drips down his or her eyes it usually means it has dry eyes. Its the same with humands it like tears it cleans out their eyes.

What are the function of tears in eyes?

Well, tears don't really "protect" the body, as in like skin and bones protect internal organs. Tears are water with filth that has gotten into you're eyes. So if you got dust, pollen in you're eye(s), you can cry a little or create tears and the dirt and filth will come out with the tear. Usually using eye drops help, or you could lift you're upper eye lid over and tear tears will form. I hope this helped!

What does optein aim to cure in the eyes?

actually, optein doesn't cure the eyes.. It's like a supplement for your eyes. It has a lutein that contributes in producing basic tears that can lessen the risk of dry eyes and photophobia.

Can a crocodile shed tears?

Yes. Reptiles like crocodiles have tear ducts. Usually, crocodiles only shed tears when their eyes are dry, as in when they've been out of the water for a long time. They don't really cry like people do, with tears running down their face.

Is canaliculi a blood vessel?

No. This term is not used to describe blood vessels. A canaliculus is a passageway like that of the tears in the lacrimal apparatus in the eye.

Do you like trish stratus?

i idolize trish stratus.i felt tears of joy deep in my eyes whan she returned.

What is the role of tears?

1. Crying can make you feel better. 2. It can clean out your eyes if you have something in them like an eyelash.

What color is Edward Cullens eyes after he drinks blood?

after animal blood his eyes are golden butterscotch like color but after human, like any other vampire, they become red tinged. The more human blood he drinks the redder his eyes will become.