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It could potentially mean nothing. And it could mean your friend will start smoking. You never know.

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Q: What does it mean if in one of your dreams a friend of yours smoked?
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Dreams are just dreams, there is no significiant to this.

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The situation you describe could have a number of explanations. One often dreams about things or people that have been on one's mind. If the friend had been seriously ill or injured, and death was expected, the coincidence of the dream and the death would not be surprising. If "someone close to you" knew that your friend was ill and perhaps had been praying for that friend, it would be very natural to dream about that person.

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Dreams are about the dreams, so this particular dream is about your friend and probably has nothing at all to do with you. Fishing suggests patient expectation, so your friend may need to stop fretting and wait until something "bites" at the bait.

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Netherlands (Dutch): "a friend of yours"

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Depends on the frequency of the dreams. If they're reoccurring dreams, then chances are you're subconciously starting to develop feelings for your girlfriend's best friend.

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Dreams are about the dreamer. If your friend dreamed about you, it means something about her, not about you. Dreams communicate through symbols, and the people who appear in dreams usually represent some aspect of the dreamer's personality.

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What does it mean when you dreams about a friend that is a girl and you make out with her and it keep happening over and over?

It means you like her. ;)

What does it mean to dream about a friend handing you a blue ring in a dream?

Dreams do not mean anything. They are random firings of neurons in the brain.

What does it mean when a friend dreams you die but they don't c how you died?

Dreams are about the dreamer. So "you" in a friend's dream represent something about that dreamer's own life. In this case, "you" symbolize something in this friend's life that has come to an end, such as a project or a relationship or simply the school year.

What does it mean if your friend has a dream about the lad you like?

Dreams provide insight into the thoughts and feelings of the dreamer - the person having the dream. Dreams of a certain person do NOT mean that person was thinking about the dreamer before going to sleep, and dreams do NOT provide evidence of true love. You and your friend have probably been talking together about this lad, and your friend probably admires your taste in guys. So your friend's subconscious mind picked up the image of the lad to appear in her dream. It does not mean anything is amiss in your friendship.