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To show their emotions or feelings at the moment and if they are talking about a situation that they been in they will put the sign of how they felt at that time. Example: I'm so sick today that I threw up 3 times:/

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Q: What does it mean if in text messages someone puts the at sign on the end of a sentence?
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What does it mean when someone puts three periods at the end of a sentence?

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The nouns in the sentence are hero, life, and line.

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yes the x means kiss my girlfreind is from britian and she puts xx in her txt messages to me all the time

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Using two periods at the end of a sentence is typically seen as a typographical error or a casual way of ending the sentence. It doesn't hold any specific meaning like an ellipsis or other punctuation marks.

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it means that you are below that person.

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A procrastinator is someone who puts things off till the last minute.

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It is a mutual understanding what we refer as Love.