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his friend wants to know if you like him

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Q: What does it mean if you asked a boy out and one of his friends asks you if you like him?
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it possibly means that the girl likes YOU!

What does it mean when a guy you know likes you asks you what you think of another guy that you happen to like a lot?

if both guys are friends then the guy you like probably asked his friend to get the lay of the land before making a move

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If a guy asks you how you sleep it means that he has strong feelings for you and is trying to get you to like him.

What does it mean when the girl you like asks you out in truth or dare and then her friends tell you it was her idea?

Ooo that means she likes you

What does it mean when a guy asks you out then changes his mind?

no offence but it means it does not like you or he thinks his friends will make fun of him.

Does it mean anything if a boy asks your best friend who do you like and he nearly alwas sits with his friends near or with my friends?

He most likely likes you and wonders if you like him back.

What does it mean if a boy asks if you like him?

It May Be That He Is Getting Mocked By His Friends Or He May Want To Go Out With You Either Way Be Honest But Don't Be To MEAN!

If a guy is with one friend when he asks you out and they dont say anything to anyone and plus he has asked you out before when you was in year 7 and year 8 does it mean he likes you?

OK so this guy mind be joking with his friends if he ask you with them and if he asks you alone then is real

What does it mean when a guy asks you out you tell him no but you regret saying no does it mean you actuallly like him or do you just feel bad?

it could mean that you like him. try to just hang out. be friends maybe that will be better.

What does it mean when a girls asks you what time it is?

It means she wants to what time it is, therefore she asked you the question.

Is it okay to have a crush on your best friend's enemy?

it's okay because you can like the same preson, but if the crush asks YOU out, say no. that happened to me. my bff knew i liked a guy. then he asked her out and she knew that i like him. keep your friends close and never let them go.

What does it mean if your guy friend asks you what kind of things you care about and you ask him what he means and he says things like people.?

It means that, if you are a girl and a guy asks you that he probably likes you. what does it mean when an ex-boyfriend asks about his old girlfriend to her friends? If he asks you what kind of things you care about and means people he usually wants to know who you like cause he probably likes you.