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the child in this dream could be your "inner child," that is, the childlike, innocent, playful part of your personality. The choking might symbolize you inability to "swallow" something, meaning that you are unable to accept or believe something you are being told. Alternatively, your childlike, creative self might feel "choked off," in the sense of being forbidden to express yourself.

That would more likely be a nightmare.

Being a non-believer in dreams having real meanings i'ld have to say

that it doesn't mean anything other than maybe an emotional state of mind.

3) It is said that the person who dreams of a child is seeing himself. If dreamed more than once, the child choking could indicate something that was said to someone of importance that never should have been said at all, and your "self" is trying to tell you. Such child endangerment dreams do not indicate a real child in danger.

Please see link below for more information on dreams and their symbols (not a dream dictionary.)

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If the dreamer has a small child in real life, the dream could reflect natural parental fears and concerns for the child. Alternatively, the "child" might represent the dreamer's self, and feelings of being silenced or of being emotionally or creatively suffocated.

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Q: What does it mean if you dream a child is choking?
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What if a child is choking?

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bloody cut it out

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