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If a child is choking you must not panic and you must give the child any liquids to make the stuff that's making your child choking. Make sure nothing is in his or her mouth and then call a near grown up to take over,If you happen to be the grown up and don't know what to do call 911.

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Q: What if a child is choking?
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What should you encourage a choking child to do?

bloody cut it out

How is infection choking diagnosed?

In choking due to infection, the person, usually a child, will have a fever and signs of illness before labored breathing begins.

Why teachers should not give out lollies as a reward?

Because there is a risk of a child choking.

What do you do if children are choking?

There is a few things that you have to do when a child is choking. You have to make sure the kid is leaning forward, you cup your hand and hit the cupped hand upwards on the back.

When a child look panicked and cannot cough speak or breath what life-threatening condition could the child be experiencing?

Conscious choking.

What is the difference in choking treatment between an adult and a child?

There is not a difference in choking treatment between an adult and a child; 5 back blows and 5 upward abdominal thrusts. Back blows and thrusts would be less force for a child and you may have to adjust your height by going down on 1 or 2 knees.

Can you press charges against your parents for choking you?

yes you can press charges, because it is a form of child abuse

What life threatening condition could the child or infant be experiencing when the child or infant looks panicked and cannot cough speak or breathe?

* Choking * Stridor * Epiglottitis

What effect does choking have on your lungs?

Choking affects the lungs by choking

Can you die from an overdose of soothers?

You can't overdose on soothers! but i wouldn't give them to a child under 5 years as they are a choking hazard

Child eating silica gel?

Silica Gel should not be eaten. It is non-toxic, but it is a choking hazard. If a child does eat it, consult the child's pediatrician to make sure that it is passed safely. You can see more with it

What will happen if a child swallows a soda tab?

It definitely needs to be located and removed. The worry is that it may be a choking hazard--even though he has already swallowed it. Get the child to the doctor as soon as possible.