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Q: What does it mean if you dreamed about someone who is far from us?
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What is the past and past participle of dream?

The past form of dream is dreamed, and the past participle is also dreamed.

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You are asking us to tell you whether or not a boy you dreamed about is in love with you?

What is the Song title or artist to lyrics someone somewhere went to sleep and dreamed us all alive?

Jim Stafford. Just Another Pretty Foot album.

If someone was born in Alaska prior to statehood does that mean they are not a citizen of the US?

No, they are US Citizens.

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If you mean something like "crash into us", no, that isn't likely; it is far away for practical purposes, and as far as I know, it isn't moving exactly towards us.

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It shows us by telling us how far away it is from the mean.

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Food miles means how far your food travels to be processed and how far it comes back for us to eat?

What were in Artemis' dreams?

There aren't any myths to tell us what Artemis dreamed of, so no one can say for sure.

How far is Guam from US?

Do you mean the U.S.? If so anywhere from a 10-20 hour flight.

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I think I did, I am a waterpolo player someone had mono in the pool, now two of us have it do far.

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Theodore Judah dreamed of building a railroad in the US that connected the west to the east - a transcontinental railroad.

What does it mean when someone iffs at someone?

"Iff" is a shorthand common among some educators in the US which means, "If and only if." It is a more emphatic way of saying "if."