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It means you better have good health insurance.

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Q: What does it mean if you pass out and your legs start shaking?
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How did you pass out?

I was in the shower and i felt like i was going to pass out then all of a sudden my legs were shaking and next thing i remember is i came 2 on the floor with my husband holding my head under the water, i was weak and couldnt stand up for a couple mins, what would cause me to do that?

Which pass is the least common utilized in basketball?

between the legs bounce pass

How do you pass the salad part from Wimpy Wonderland?

click as fast as you can. I tried shaking to click faster

What is a 7 hole in ice hockey?

Are you sure you don't mean, '5 hole'?Which is the space between the goalie's legs which the puck can pass through for a goal.

Will locking your legs for a period of time make you pass out please elaberate?

yes, it will. When you lock your legs it cuts off the circulation

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Not sure what the definition is but here's an example: "its not necessary to start a fight" "to pass school, homework is necessary" "hot doesn't necessarily mean to be burning"

Why do volleyball players swing their legs forward when spiking a ball with their arm?

To gain momentum. It can compare to when you push up with your legs on a pass or a bump.

When you score approacaching basic on ileap does that mean you pass are failed?

i think that it mean pass because i really dont know if it mean pass are falied

How many pass are there in emerald?

what do you mean by pass?

What do you mean pass around?

to pass around

What muscles are used in a soccer pass?

There are two different types of soccer passes. A pass from the goalie will use the muscles of the arms. A pass from the rest of the players will use the muscles of the hips and legs.

How do you get pass the beginning of the game when you start?
