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You're best friend also likes the guy. Don't let this come between your friendship, talk to her.

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Q: What does it mean if your best friend dreams of the guy you like?
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Depends on the frequency of the dreams. If they're reoccurring dreams, then chances are you're subconciously starting to develop feelings for your girlfriend's best friend.

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It means you like her. ;)

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This dream is about the relationship with the best friend. Coveting the friend's crush and kissing the other indicate admiration for the friend's ideas and personal qualities. Dreams are involuntary products of the imagination, so there is no cause for guilt or feeling disloyal because of these dreams.

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It depends what way you mean. If you mean like as in fancy then theres nothing wrong with that. If you mean like as in friendship like then obviously otherwise they aren't your best friend.

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Dreams are just dreams, there is no significiant to this.

What does it mean if your friend dreams about a girl you like?

He likes her 2 so u should ask her out b4 he does

What does it mean when you see in dreams the guy you like in a relationship with you best friend?

Because dreams communicate through symbols, and also because dreams provide information about the dreamer, that best friend in your dream might represent yourself. So one needs to be careful before leaping to conclusions. This dream says nothing about your guy's emotions or your friend's loyalty....... OTOH, your subconscious may have picked up on subtle clues that your conscious mind missed. So it never hurts to keep your eyes open.

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If your best friend does not like the other friend. Then he/she should stay clear and respect the relationship but that does not mean hate.

What does a dream about you and a best friend being told you have to save the world mean?

I doubt it really means anything, for I have had similar dreams and they meant nothing.

What does it mean when you don't dream about your best friend that died?

It does not necessarily mean anything. While dreams of the deceased are common during mourning, many individuals do not have such dreams. It is also quite possible that you have dreamt of your late friend without recognizing the dream as such. Dreams use symbols and metaphors far more often than straightforward images, so a dream about a broken mirror or a lost kitten or any other representation of loss could have been a dream about your best friend.

What does como es tu mejor amiga mean in spanish?

"Como es tu mejor amiga" in Spanish means "What is your best friend like?"