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The people who try and answer questions placed in Wiki-answers need to be able to understand what is being asked.

We know that sometimes people who ask the questions are young and may not have English as their first language so we try our best to interpret what is being asked and may edit the question to make it more clear.

However, sometimes it is impossible to understand what the questioner wants to know and in these cases we move the question into a special category (not enough information to answer).

Sometimes people also ask for information that would be illegal to provide, or ask questions asking for peoples personal information or to bully their colleagues.

When we detect this sort of activity we also trash/reject the question.

If you have had a question rejected and do not understand why, PLEASE ask a supervisor to explain.

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Q: What does it mean if your question rejected?
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no because he was mean

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rejected with disdain or contempt

What does rejcted mean?

I think you mean "rejected". It means refused or not allowed something.

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No it means that laws are excepted

How do you tell the person who rejected you that you have moved on without it appearing that you are rejecting?

The person in question has already rejected you and wanting to tell them that you have moved on will mean nothing to them. Just move on and ignore this person and they will soon get the message without you saying one word. This person may end up regretting they rejected you. It hurts to be rejected, but everyone is at one point in time so move on and do not even give it another thought because there are lots of other people out there that appreciate you for who you are.

Why can an accepted hypothesis be rejected at a later date?

The answer to the question why is this: It can be rejected at a later date because it is falsifiable in nature if it is a good hypothesis. If you meant to ask HOW it can be rejected, the answer is by way of further experimentation that rules out some or all of the hypothesis as stated.

Has justin bieber ever gottin rejected?

yes he has just coz he is famous doesn't mean hes never gotten rejected.

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American's rejected Wilson's ideas

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i had no property to sell

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means there scared to get rejected and look bad.

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you are rejected