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absolutely nothing, especially if they are talking to you. If its more than 5 minutes, then it might mean something

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Q: What does it mean of someone holds eye contact for more than 5 seconds?
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What does it mean when a shy girl that you have never talked to holds eye contact with you but it never lasts more than 0.25 seconds?

It could mean that she likes you or it could mean nothing. The only way you will know for sure is to talk to her and get to know her.

What does direct eye contact for some seconds mean?

Nothing really... Like if you have eye contact with your teacher, it doesn't mean that they like like you. o.O

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for real? id say he was into you. but does he do it in private or anywhere?

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I'm not exactly sure but my guess would be that directly contacting someone would mean communicating with someone (or something) while the other person can hear or see you, or when you are there in person. Indirectly contacting someone would mean you would cause someone (or something) to contact someone (or something.)

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He likes you. Physical contact are the initial clues that suggest attraction.

Whenever this girl holds eye contact with me it never last more than 0.25 seconds anyone of us breaks it quickly she is really a shy girl what does it mean?

She is probably shy and timid about talking to you, ease up the situation by walking and talking, no eye contact required except for occasionally. In time she will become more comfortable.

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Loving someone my football coach would use this line all the time to the team

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They are trying to stifle a sneeze.

What does it mean when someone holds your face with both hands when kissing?

they want to be the one to lead the kiss

What does it mean if you feel faint when you come in contact with someone?

You are probably infatuated with the person.