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Q: What does it mean snapback automatic reload?
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You would reload it like any modern automatic rifle, except the clip is behind the trigger handle..

What do you mean if the snapback have a green bottom?

Absolutely nothing thats just how it started

How do automatic guns reload?

Automatic weapons typically use recoil or a gas blowback system to eject the spent cartridge casing and reload the next cartridge from the magazine. Blowback systems use the gas from the powder ignition of the cartridge to eject the casing and reload the next shell. A portion of the ignited gas is redirected to force the action back far enough to reload. Most automatic weapons use this design. Recoil systems are just what it implies - the recoil from the ignited cartridge forces the bolt back and reloads the next.

How do you look good in a SnapBack?

check it out on youtube. type in: how to rock a snapback THERE ARE LOADS OF VIDEOS!!

What a SnapBack hat?

A snapback hat is a hat that is size adjustable with little clips on the back.

What does TISA mean in a snapback?

The illumanti sees all or atleast i just thought of that while im stoned

What Snapback is Big Sean wearing in the music video your Last?

he is wearing a tisa redwings snapback you can buy it just search tisa in google there about twice the price of a regular snapback though

What is a super arch snapback hat?

basically a really big snapback for people with really big heads

How do fully automatic rifles work?

the gas pressure from the exploding shell ejects the empty casing and activates the reload mecanism

Who to make the intervention automatic?

on the ps3 you hold square- or if you changed the button layout its the reload button- and shoot at the same time

Can you wash a snapback?

Of course.

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what do i do when reload software 513 appears on the screen of a blackberry bold