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It means to respect a person & their values. You would want them to do the same for you[:

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Q: What does it mean to be a considerate the rights and feelings of others?
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What does it mean to be a considerate person?

to care for other people and put others first

What is the oppitise of mean?

The opposite of mean is kind or generous. It refers to being compassionate, considerate, and benevolent towards others.

What are some really mean pranks?

Pranks should be harmless and considerate of others' feelings. Engaging in mean pranks can hurt and upset people, which is not the intention of a good prank. It is better to focus on fun and light-hearted pranks that bring joy and laughter to everyone involved.

How is life for Elaina Peters?

Fine. She is a really nice girl who is considerate of other people's feelings. Whoever did the last entry abput her being mean, is not nice! BLeh

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Thoughtfulness refers to being considerate and attentive towards others' feelings and needs. It involves thinking before acting, showing empathy, and taking actions to show care and respect for others.

Should you make amends with a sociopath?

No. It doesn't mean anything to him/her. That is what makes them what they are . They have no feelings for others and they don't care about others.

What does it mean when someone don't like you but they don't want to tell you because their afried that they will hurt your feelings?

exactly how it sounds. They don't like you but they wont tell you because they are afraid you will get offended by that and you will be crushed. So they are actually being considerate by not telling you and saving you from getting your feelings hurt.

What does the word sympathizer mean?

Sympathizer is someone who shares the feelings and/or the ideas of others ( people, party etc.)

What does it mean when a guy says he wants to guard your heart?

When someone says they want to guard your heart, it typically means they want to protect your emotions and not hurt you. They want to be respectful and considerate of your feelings in the relationship.

What does 'encouraging empathy on both sides' mean?

Empathy is the ability to understand and sympathize with the feelings of others.

What is consideration versus candor?

Consideration means the act of "considering," in this context considering others--their feelings, needs, situation and so on. So doing things that help the person you are "considering" or "being considerate of." Candor is a tendency to speak openly or bluntly, without filtering your thoughts. So the two ideas could be opposed in this way: you can speak with candor, just saying what you think, or you can be considerate, which might mean sometimes holding back and not saying what you think, in consideration of a another's feelings. The two words are used together in John Henry Newman's passage in The Idea of a University on what constitutes a gentleman.

What are plantation owners?

Well, they could be mean and selfish or they could be kind and considerate. Many of them need money, and so have to be a little more selfish, but some of them care more about others and will be kinder and not as selfish.