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Don't worry. It most likely means nothing. Perhaps you've been thinking about him a lot, and missing him a lot? OR maybe your Dad is trying to say hello to you, and to tell you that he's looking after you, loves you, cares about you and understands everything you're going through in your life. Dreaming of a parent is a wonderful thing.

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It means you miss him...

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Q: What does it mean to dream of your dad who passed away 7 years ago?
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The meaning of this dream depends on who that dead person was. For example, a dream about your grandmother who passed away years ago would mean something quite different than a dream about an ancient historical figure or a long-dead celebrity. Further discussion and examples are available on the webpage linked below.

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If the question refers to a dream, it represents the love that continues beyond the separation of death.

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We are not doctors on WikiAnswers. There is a mystery surrounding why we dream of people that have either just passed away or passed away many years before. Some say it's their soul leaving messages for your such as 'I'm OK, don't worry.' Sometimes our subconscious thinks of a certain person or, someone may mention their name in a conversation and that's all it takes for some people to dream of that person. Haven't you thought of a person while awake and that very day you either bump into them or they phone you? It happens to most people so don't worry about it.

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It is entirely natural and common to dream of the deceased after they pass away. Your mind might associate the person with the hospital because that may have been the last place you saw that person before their death.

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It is entirely normal to dream of loved ones who have passed away. The house in the dream is a metaphor for the life that you shared together. The dream is a natural part of your grieving process, and is part of your mind's effort to help you heal from your loss.

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There is something oddly disturbing about this description of your dream. It suggests that you feel okay about her being passed out. The underlying message of your dream could be that your relationship with this person is not what you pretend that it is.

What does it mean to dream about helping your grandmother who has passed away walk in a dream?

This dream suggests that the dreamer's mind is struggling to accept the reality and permanence of the grandmother's death. It expresses the dreamer's feeling of responsibility and longing to "help;" to "get her up" as a way of denying death. Such dreams are very common and normal during the mourning period, and may recur many years after bereavement.