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Blood type O positive is considered the "universal donor" because they can safely give blood to all other blood types without harm however the donor can only receive blood from other type O donors. Positive means that they can receive both positive and negative blood type O.

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Yes you can receive O type blood in a transfusion. This also means that your blood can be donated to people with other blood types because they will be compatible.

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Q: What does it mean to have blood type O positive?
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What does it mean if you have o positive blood?

If you have O+ blood then you have the most common blood type. About half the world population has that type.

Can a woman with blood type O-positive and a man with blood type O-positive have a blood type A-positive child?

Yes. My mother is O positive and my father is O negative and I am O negative

If a father has type A positive blood and the mother has type O positive blood what blood type will the baby have?

Well the baby will have an O positive blood type.

If I am O positive blood type and I had three children that are O positive blood type and one that is B positive blood type what could that make my husband's blood type be?

a recessive O or B blood type

Your blood type is B positive and your husbands blood type is AB positive and your son is O positive What does this mean?


What other blood groups is o positive compatible with?

Type O+ blood is compatible with AB, A+, B+, and O+ blood types. That is, if your blood type is O positive, you can receive AB, A positive, B positive, and O positive blood types.

Can a parent with O negative blood type and a parent with A positive blood type have a baby with O positive blood type?

Of course!

What is the difference between blood type O and O positive?

Blood Type O has no Anti Rh factors. O+ blood is positive for Rh Antibodies.

If the mother has B positive blood and the father has O positive what would the child's blood type be?

The child's blood type could be B positive or O positive.

If the mother has o positive and the father has type o positive what type of blood will the baby have?


How can you have type o blood?

If one of your parents have ABO or O then its a 50/50 chance,I mean that's positive blood type only I think

What is o blood?

Blood Type O Rh Positive