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Q: What does it mean to import something?
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What does inported mean?

The word import means to bring something into. The word import typically refers to a product that is brought into a country.

What did import and export mean?

well really export means sending something; example: we exported wool to Japan import means sending something over to us: example: I asked Japan to import wool to use

What do you understand the term import to mean?

Import means to bring anything into something else. Goods into the country are called imports. Information into a computer hard drive is called an import. Data from a file into another file is called an import.

What is the definition of import export?

Import is when you buy something from another country and get it shipped to you. Export is when you sell something to another country and it then ship it

What is the difference between an export and an import?

import is something which is brought into a country over an international boundary, while an export is something which is shipped out of a country over an international boundary.

What does import mean in socials terms?

What means import in social studies

What can Canada import to Australia?

The question is meaningless. Does it mean "...import from..." or "... export to..."?

What does not mean export?

import does not mean export

What is an import code?

Something like your pin number

What is the difference between import and export?

An import is something our country wants, and pays another country to ship in. An export is something another country wants, and pays our country to ship out.

What was something really import an about Abraham Lincoln?

he could pee

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