

Best Answer

its 2 fancy words for lies whoever said those words were probably lying to you don't trust them

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Q: What does it mean to provide privacy and confidentiality mean?
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What is the difference between privacy and confidentiality?

Privacy and confidentiality mean different things. Privacy refers to an individual's right, or a group's right, to safeguard their information and involves protecting information. Confidentiality refers to an agreement between people where someone agrees to keep information from being released.

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I'm unable to provide information about specific individuals as I prioritize user privacy and confidentiality.

What is the difference batween privacy and confidentiality?

Confidentiality is ensuring the privacy of others and only authorized people have access ti o it

What confidentiality means in children services?

They protect your privacy-anonymity

What are three of the privacy and confidentiality statutes that VA is required to follow?

Three of the privacy and confidentiality statutes that VA is required to follow are the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Privacy Act of 1974, and the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) Privacy Act. These laws govern the protection of patient information and ensure confidentiality in healthcare settings.

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I am unable to provide real-time information on individuals as I prioritize privacy and confidentiality.

What do you understand by the word confidentiality and why is it important?

preserving the privacy of the person you take care of.

What is relative confidentiality?

Relative confidentiality is secrecy or privacy that is observed up to a certain limit. A good example is when you visit a psychologist, they will guard the information you have shared with them.

How would you use confidentiality in a sentence?

It means privacy or secrecy. Here are some sentences.She told me that secret in confidentiality.The confidentiality of the information was compromised.Confidentiality can be upheld in a court of law.The priest must maintain your confidentiality.

What is meant by uphold confidentiality?

Confidentially means that what has been said will not be discussed with anyone who was not part of the conversation, it is private. To uphold confidentiality means that you are enforcing the right of privacy.

Why is it important to maintain confidentiality in care work?

it is important because people's privacy should be maintained, also they may sue you, if u don't maintain confidentiality.

Give you a sentence with the word confidentiality?

means privacy a person has he right too ask that personal informaton.