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If you have shot your own video or written your own music, and someone else copies it without your written permission, then you can ask YouTube to remove that person's copy.

If you created the music and the images yourself, you can do anything you want with it. If someone else created it, you have to get their permission.

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Q: What does it mean to take off a video because of copyright?
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When my video on youtube is blocked for copyright reasons will removing the video take away a copyright strike?

No. Strikes stay for at least six months.

Should i take my video off youtube?

Unless your video violates the YouTube community guidelines or copyright laws, it is not necessary for you to take down your video. You may also set a video to unlisted or private if you don't want everyone to see it.

Why did Beth knight take down her videos on youtube?

As a video owner and uploader on YouTube, she has the right to remove a video any time without notifying viewers about why she removed her video(s). Also, sometimes, a video will be removed because of copyright issues or other community guideline violations. In all cases, if you visit the video page of a deleted video, there will be a message that displays in the video player stating why the video was deleted.

Why does youtube remove music videos after a period of time?

Some music videos are removed due to the copyright owner claiming the video as their property and demanding the YouTube user to take down the video. Most music videos on YouTube are user-uploaded and not all of those videos have permission from the copyright holders to be uploaded and used on YouTube, which results in copyright complaints and videos getting removed.

If you take images from Google to make a video on YouTube and say that you don't own the pictures will they delete your account?

No, they will simply not allow you to post your video on Youtube. This is to protect the author/artists copyright (or intellectual property).

Why is it illegal to take copyright content without consent?

It is illegal to take copyright content without consent, except in very limited cases that may constitute "fair use" under U.S. copyright law, because the person who created the work is entitled to control its use.

Is it copyright to take photos in Paris?

Photos you take in Paris would automatically be protected by copyright.

Can I use a soundtrack I ripped from a YouTube video?

No you cannot unless you get permission from the original poster. This is because it is their property that they put out there for you to see, not take. This is also known as copyright material and stealing stuff like that can lead to violations of the law if followed up on.

Is it legal to take videos from other websites and upload onto your own?

No, this would be a "copyright infringement", for which you could have to pay damages, if the copyright owner sues you. If you profit from the use of stolen videos on your website, it is also a criminal violation and you could pay fines and go to prison. Even if you don't profit, but the victim loses a lot of money because of your theft, it is a federal crime. What you need is a license from the owner of the copyright of the original video.

Who can implicate copyright?

The copyright holder or their appointed representative can take action.

Can you take pictures during concerts at the Rosemont Theatre in Chicago?

The taking of video, stills or audio at any live concert, musical, stage show is prohibited under copyright

Should i take my video off youtube and if not can i be sued?

Taking a video off of YouTube is your decision. If someone has requested your video be taken down for copyright or privacy, make sure you thoroughly consider the options to make sure that it is a legitimate claim and that you respect other peoples' request if it is true.