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No. Strikes stay for at least six months.

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Q: When my video on youtube is blocked for copyright reasons will removing the video take away a copyright strike?
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Why are my youtube videos blocked worldwide?

Because they were an infringement of copyright.

Why are music videos blocked on youtube?

maybe because it has really bad stuff in it or the music is copyright

Why are they deleting episodes Legend of the Seeker on YouTube?

Because it's illegal to upload shows on Youtube, for copyright reasons.

Is it illegal to watch TV sHows on Youtube?

Yes. YouTube itself is legal, although there are strict guidelines users must follow as some content isn't permitted for legal reasons or copyright reasons.

Is there a way to prevent youtube videos from being blocked by UGM or WGM?

Yes, of course. Don't use any material in the vids, that you do not own the copyright for.

I deleted my youtube video due to copyright reasons and it is still receiving comments Does anyone know why?

Lolz fgt

Why is my grace kelly song blocked on youtube?

The song might be blocked on YouTube because somebody owns the rights to the content and doesn't want their content distributed by YouTube users on YouTube. Many common consequences of posting content without permission that somebody has a copyright to include account suspension, video removal, warnings, or simply just limited video options.

How do you put songs in YouTube videos that are from itunes without YouTube taking down the audio?

You cannot put commercial music created by someone else on YouTube as it breaks the copyright agreements. You agreed not to do this when you signed up for a YouTube account. YouTube uses special software that can identify music that is protected by copyright and will remove the audio from your video. If they have to keep doing this on your account you will be blocked from using YouTube. (See links below)

What is SME on YouTube?

SME is the name of a popular music copyright holder on YouTube. Many YouTube users will get notifications that SME (Sony Music Entertainment) has matched your content with their content and that the video would be blocked in some countries or completely removed.

Who decides what content will appear on YouTube?

YouTube and copyright owners decide what content appears on YouTube. YouTube decides based on the community guidelines while copyright owners decide based on copyright laws.

Why are your videos blocked?

Depends on the website. Youtube? Vevo? Facebook?Videos are generally blocked because:They violate copyright lawsYou do not own the videoThe video is offensiveThis video is discriminativeThe video is pornographicThe video isinappropriatefor all audiences

What are the YouTube copyright laws?

YouTube has an excellent discussion of copyright on their website; see the link below.