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Powerful verbs are action words that do so much more than saying what is going on. They help the reader to understand and visualize exactly what the author is trying to portray. Instead of saying that "the man jumped over the fence", one might say that the man "bounded" over it. Sashyed creates a much more brilliant sentence than simply stating that somebody walked. A light becomes much brighter when it goes from lighting the room to illuminating the room. The word doesn't have to be a word that makes everybody grab a dictionary in order to be a good verb. A dimly lit lightbulb might glow rather than just be lighting the room. The verb is simply more powerful if it helps the reader paint a better mental picture.

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1mo ago

Using powerful verbs means selecting strong, action-based words that effectively convey the intended message and create a vivid image or feeling for the reader. Powerful verbs can enhance the overall impact of writing by making it more engaging, descriptive, and impactful.

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a bit like snatch or stalk, they are powerful verbs

What are good action verbs for a resume?

Action verbs are "power words" for a resume. Here are some examples:analyzedbalancedcapitalizedcoordinateddocumentedexpandedfacilitatedimplementedmentoredoptimizedprovedrestructuredspearheadedsynthesizedutilizedvolunteeredwidenedwithstoodFor a nice, long list of action verbs, see the link to the right.

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these is for plural verbs en this for singular verbs. e.g.: this chair, these chairs

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Can you start a sentence with about?

Yes. Just be sure that your sentence has a subjectand a verb. Their structures can vary widely. Use the right words and active verbs to create powerful sentences for your prose.