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Q: What does it mean to work unethically?
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An organization that does not fulfill its philanthropic responsibilities is behaving unethically?

An organization that does not fulfill its philanthropic responsibilities is behaving unethically

What does oppurtanistic mean?

It means to take immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit. Spelled opportunistic.

What would cause a broker act unethically?

People may act unethically at times and brokers are not immune. The problem could be financial, personal, or any number of reasons requiring more money.

Why a business might choose to act unethically?

because ther being a hemis

What House rules did Representative Charlie Rangel break?

Rangel has admitted to having 'acted unethically' on occaision, but never 'intended to break House rules'. A member of Congress may not act unethically WITHOUT breaking House rules.

What are negative connotations of rhetoric?

Rhetorical skills can be used to deceive or to sway people unethically

Can a nurse act unethically without being illegal?

Ethics and legality go hand in hand. Being ethical guarantees being legal. Being legal does not guarantee being ethical. Being unethical is not necessary illegal. A nurse can act unethically without being illegal.

Acts unethically does means broken the law?

Untrue statement. Unfortunately, not all unethical actions are also illegal.

Why is workplace ethic important?

Management needs to keep profits up, and the happier employees are, the harder they work. Work ethics are designed to keep disputes from happening at work, and sanctions are used when they are breached. Beyond that, the ethical behavior of employees and management in a company can make a difference in the success or failure of the entire company. Customer generally do not continue to buy from a company that treats them unethically.

What do you do if the doctor you work for ask you to do something you that doesn't seem ethical?

If requested to perform unethically by any member of the health profession, you can report the incident to the state medical board where the practitioner is licensed, or inquire with the state board whether the action requested is deemed unethical or not.

Superior Corporation engages in ethical behavior solely for the purpose of getting good publicity and thereby increasing profits Superior is?

not acting unethically

What actions should staff take if they believe that another person is acting unethically or if they are confronted with an ethical dilemma that effects themselves?

They should take that complaint to a superior to get advice.