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Q: What does it mean when A married man wants to sow his oats?
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God wants you to get married.

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That means he only wants sex.

What does it mean if a married man asks you to his hotel room to watch a movie?

It means he wants to have sex with you.

Help a attractive married man wants you to go out with him?

Help, a man wants to cheat on his wife.

What does it mean if a married man has cheated on his wife more then once is he happy why stay married why not leave?

He still wants to be married because he might have kids or because the money or both!

What does it mean when a married man keeps calling you sunshine and always compliments you?

It means that man is a DOG, and you are someone he wants to sleep with. Married men only take the time to do that stuff when they see a woman they want to conquer.

What do you call a married man that wants a another woman?

A jackass!

Married man's friend wants an affair?

If you think its right do it!

How you know a married man wants you?

he desperately cheats on his wife with you:)

What does it mean when a man wants a baby with you?

It means that the man is interested in you. He wants to have sexual intercourse with you.

A man married a Catholic and is now divorced and wants to be married by a priest without an annulment?

Catholicc man needs to have an annullment first

Signs that a married man wants to end a relationship?

honey its over