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This is a requirement placed upon all the states under the 1988 Child Support Enforcement Act. Reviews must be performed at least every 36 months. See link for more complete info on child support.

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Q: What does it mean when California is trying to have your child support order reviewed?
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Related questions

How much is child support in California?

The child support laws in the state of California are based off of a child support worksheet. The child support worksheet determines the amount of child support that should be paid, while taking into consideration the amount of income of both parents.

How many years can we legally go back to modify child support in TN?

Child support in Tennessee can be reviewed and modified up to the age of majority.

How do i get a Child support lien release in California?

To get a child support release in California, you have to contact the child support agency and fill out a form. You will need to do this to start the process to petition the court for the release.

How does bankruptcy effect child support in California?

Won't. Child support is exempt from discharge.

Do you still pay child support if child lives at school?

Generally, yes. If a child lives at school their expenses will be even greater. You need to review the child support order and request it be reviewed by the court if necessary.

In california when do they stop going after back child support?

Child support arrears do not expire until they are paid.

In California can child support be order if child is in someone else name?

The child's name means nothing. Support is based on parentage.

Can you become a creditor for child support?

If you're trying to collect past-due child support, I suggest you contact your State's child support agency. Good luck!

Can a child on ssi disability receive child support in the state of California?


California child support laws?

Hands down California has some of the toughest child support laws in the United states. California just like most U.S. states also is guilty of having an outdated system for tracking child support payments. For more in depth information regarding child support laws check out the site listed in related links

If your daughter moves in with you will you still pay child support?

Child Support is determined by many factors, including the child's residence. A child support order can be reviewed anytime and if there is a change that effects the payment of $50. or more the order will be modified to fit the current conditions. You can obtain the forms by requesting a modification of child support through your local Department of Child Support Services (DCSS).

In California a father wants no custody or visitation does he still have an obligation to pay child support?

Yes, though in California the child support and visitation are linked. The less time you parent the child, the more you pay.