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Q: What does it mean when The rich takes care of the rich and the poor takes care of those who have less?
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the nurturer takes care of the new born babies before they are given to their families at the ceremony of ones.

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no it is not mean to put cattle in feedlots as long as the farmer takes care of them

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I think you mean "Who is the doctor who takes care of all the sick?". The Nurse I suppose.

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Jumbo shrimp. The fact that 'I could care less.' and 'I couldn't care less.' mean the same thing. (Bryson)

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Those that care it actually means text the cell

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I think you mean a "Valet". (val AY).

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it means she cares about the cleanliness of her nails, and she cares how she looks.

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relative that takes responsibility to care for family member