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It means something like call me or hey beautiful

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Q: What does it mean when a boy makes a clicking noise at a girl?
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What does it mean when a guy swings his arm and makes like a clicking noise when he hits a girl butt?

It is a crude way of saying you're hot.

What does the name gurbin mean?

a girl who often makes the noise eeeppp!

What does a clicking sound from the engine of the Toyota Camry mean?

That is lifter noise, they probably need adjusting

Sugar Glider why does your female make clicking sounds followed by hissing about 3 months apart just 1 night?

Clicking or a little popping noise means they feel happy the little hissing noise can mean many things but since it came after the clicking I'm pretty sure she was expressing how happy she was

What does coguis mean?

A type of frog in Hawaii that makes a loud noise to attract a mate, (coquis frog), and the noise it makes is "ko-KEE"!

What does to croak mean?

either to die or a noise a frog makes :)

What does croaked mean?

either to die or a noise a frog makes :)

What is the definition of 'clicking' in the Urban Dictionary?

Clicking has several meanings in the Urban Dictionary. It can mean the push of the left mouse button, it can mean also annoying and warning other people on social network and it can mean also to create noise with a thumb or a finger.

What does squeal mean?

It means to make a noise that a Guinea pig makes. Or even more, the noise that a pig pig makes.

What does it mean when a guinea pig makes a noise when you pick it up?

its normal

What could it mean if your Honda Civic LX makes a clicking noise from the engine area when you start it but when you try to turn it off the car just keeps trying to turn over.?

that means there is a short in the starter solenoid. pull starter out and have it overhauled

What does it mean when a guy makes a mouth noise when he pokes you on the side of the stomach?

It means the guy is flirting with you, or y'all are just really good friends. Many guys would do this to a girl to to mess with them.