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you are in love ==new answer== People in a dream represent aspects of your self or ways of thinking. To see what this person represents, attach a quality to that person to indentify the way of thinking being referred to. Dreams are the soul's way of relating to you concerning your current state of conscious awareness.

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Q: What does it mean when a certain person is in most of your dreams?
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What does it mean if your bff has dreams about your boyfriend?

It means that you are jealous of your friends.. That they won't try to get your boyfriend. It's just jealousy, no need to worry, except you think you are certain that your so called friend is trying something with your boyfriend.

What does it mean when you have a dream about arresting the person you like and they want to kill you?

honestly it might mean nothing dreams do reflect the subconscious mind but are just random most of the time

When you dream about a guy does it mean he is dreaming about you?

No, dreaming of another person does not mean that person is thinking about you. Although widely believed, this is a superstition with no basis in fact. There is no transmitter or receiver in the human brain that can send or receive another person's thoughts, dreams or feelings. That is why we use cell phones to communicate.

What does it mean when you and boy dream of the same thing?

It could mean anything or nothing. Different elements of dreams mean different things depending on the associations a person has--for example, a dream about flying could be fun for one person but scary for another. It is most likely just a coincidence.

Are dreams pure nonsense?

It depends on what kind of dreams you are talking about Do you mean: Sleeping dreams? Sleeping dreams can be overexaggerated and nonsense, or they can provide insight on whatever you are thnking about most of the day. or objective dreams? If you want to do something, then it definitely should not be nonsense to you.

What does it mean if you do not have repetitive dreams like most people do?

It does not mean a thing. Dreams are produced by the subconscious mind of each individual, and are as unique as each individual. Generally speaking, repetitive dreams indicate an issue the dreamer has not resolved. So not having repetitive dreams might suggest that this dreamer is conscientious about dealing with problems as they arise. Or it could mean this dreamer simply does not remember many dreams.

What does it mean when more than one person has the same dream about you being a demon?

Dreams are about the dreamer. So in any other person's dream, "you" represent that person's own self. If more than one person claims to have had dreams about you, it would be wise to look into the reasons behind their claims rather than the actual dreams. They might be using the idea of those dreams to express their deep concern about you.

What does it mean when you keep having the same dream about someone you love what does this mean?

This means that you probably think about this person a lot, and that you care deeply for them. It is natural to dream about the things or people that occupy your thoughts. Your dreams do not mean that the person is thinking or dreaming about you.

What does it mean if you dreamed that you were making love?

Answer:This is a sex dream, triggered by your natural bodily hormones. Most individuals begin having sex dreams in puberty and continue through young adulthood. Although sex dreams become less frequent as you mature, they occur occasionally throughout life.> Sex dreams can reflect your emotional longing as well as your physical urges. But they only reveal your own feelings; they do not provide any supernatural information about the other person's thoughts or feelings. Moreover, they do not mean that you are in love with that person. Any partner in a sex dream is merely an image, much like an avatar in a video game, and has nothing to do with the actual person.Answer:It means you are in love with the person you did it in your dreams

What does it mean when you dream that your hair is comin out because you have a scalp infection?

Nothing in most cases. It is just a dream. Not all, even most, dreams have any particular significance. Interpretation of dreams is, at best a pseudo science, and any dreams would depend greatly on the society in which you live. Some people can give indications of what significant dreams may mean if they know who you are and the society in which you live. Most, as with astrologers and palm readers, are charlatans.

Can you sell guns out of your home in ct?

It depends on what you mean. Most states allow person to person sales, but if you sell guns regularly, you have be a licensed dealer. In most states, you can sell from your home as long as you meet certain requirements for storage.

What does it mean when you dream of someone you loved?

They respresent an aspect of yourself or your life that needs attention or is troubling you at the moment. So it really doesnt necessarily have to do with the person, rather it has to do with yourself and your present. It may also mean you need closure or reconciliation with this person in order to move on in your present state.