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My chickens all hunker down, arch their back and sort of waddle in place when they think I am going to pick them up. They sort of stomp in place and wait for me to pick them up and pet them for a bit.

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Q: What does it mean when a chicken looks like she is waddling and humps her back?
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What animal has humps on its back?

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What did the two humps observer by Galileo turn out to be.?

Back then Galileo looking at Saturn far away had a small telescope he saw saturns rings thinking it was two humps

Camels store water in their humps?

If you think it's water, you're wrong! The humps on a camel's back are actually huge heaps of fat and flesh that can weigh as much as 80 pounds in a healthy camel. These humps help camels survive for weeks without food and water.

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Take the chicken over, come back. Take the chicken feed over, bring the chicken back. Take the fox over, come back. Take the chicken over.First, bring the chicken. All's well. Go back empty-handed. Next, bring the fox over. Then come back WITH the chicken! Now you should have the fox on one side and the chicken with the feed on the other. Bring the feed over, come back empty-handed, bring the chicken over, done.

Can camels have three humps?

No, there's no such thing as a three humped camel, but there is a rock band called that, based in Southern Australia.

How do you get the chicken and feed and fox across the river in Blue Island Falls for poptropica?

First you take the chicken across to the other side ,then, you take the chicken feed across and put the chicken back in the basket and take it back over ,then, you put the chicken back where the fox is ,then, take the fox over to where the chicken feed is then go back and take the chicken over and then you are finished.