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If it's a whitish cloud, the bowl has accumulated too much ammonia. (Which comes from, well, fish poo)

Change out a little less than half the water with clean water at the same temperature, SOON.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Probably that the water is going bad and there is insufficient oxygen for it to breath properly. My advice is do a water change ASAP. Then follow the basic rules that follow. The basic rules for successfull fishkeeping are as follows. :- 1 inch (2.25cm) of fish needs at least 1 gallon (3.78ltrs) of water. Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you follow the above rules, feed the fish the correct diet and keep the container covered and at around 65F most coldwater fish will do OK. I can guarantee that if you don't keep the preceeding rules that your fish will have constant health problems and will live a considerably shorter life.

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14y ago

If you clean it out often that shouldn't be the problem, so I would try different food.

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13y ago

1st it could mean your wish is dying.2nd it could mean it's tired and it wants to go to sleep.3rd it could mean it's asleep.

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Q: What does it mean when a goldfish eyes cloud up?
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What special attributes does a Celestial goldfish have?

Celestial goldfish are well know for the strange eyes. They can only look up for the way their eyes are positioned. The Eyes of a celestial goldfish stick out and point up. It should also be noted that these fish are very fragile and they need much love and care. Make sure their tanks are cleaned properly at least once a month and quickly checked once a week.

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Does it mean hat your goldfish is dying if its tail is floating up?

I am not very sure but my guess is Yes. But I do know if it is floating upside down it is very dead. Hope the Goldfish does not die

Can goldfish see you?

Yes, a goldfish can see you; in color for that matter. Goldfish have eyes on the sides of their heads which gives them a blind spot right in front of them. They can see fairly decent close up but not as clear at greater distances. They can also sense your movements with their 'sixth sense' located in their lateral line. It helps them recognize where predators are approaching from.

What does eye locking mean?

It means that your eyes are wandering, and suddenly your eyes meet up with another persons.

Can goldfish be frozen and still alive when thawed?

Once the goldfish is compleatly frozen even if in the middle of frozen water it will die because the brain heart and gills will freeze with it and they wouldn't start back up because one those are done working the fish will not live. And why would you freeze your goldfish?

How do you swallow a live goldfish?

Just because you see your goldfish picking up gravel in its mouth does not mean the goldfish is actually swallowing gravel. In all probability the fish is simply rolling the gravel around and sucking the algae and whatever else is attached to it and eating that.

Why is your goldfish floating up?

Its dead

How big do goldfish get?

A telescope eye goldfish is in the fancy goldfish type, and most fancy golddfish get up to a foot long (with proper care).

What is the shape of a puffer fish?

There is no official shape name for a goldfish and there many different types of goldfish. The common goldfish has a shape like an elongated football (American football). Some fancy breads like a veiltail have a body shape much like an egg. Some goldfish might have short pointed tails or long flowing ones; they can have globe looking eyes, puffy faces or even have cheeks that look like blown up bubbles.

How long can goldfish live up to?

For househeld goldfish, they generally live 6-8 years

Can goldfish eat peanut butter?

Bananas are not toxic to goldfish because goldfish will/do not eat them. Bananas will however rot in water and the process of decay will poison the water so that the goldfish will get very sick or die from the poisons caused by decaying matter/bananas in their water.