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There are 2 answers: 1.Stomach cancer could be the case.Take your guinea pig to the vet as soon as you see any signs of a tumor.Sadly, there is no cure.You can either take your piggy to the vet to have it put to sleep,or sometimes an operation is available(It doesn't usually work.)Your guinea pig will die. 2.If you have more than one guinea pig, it could have been in a fight.You can take it to the vet and have it treated.Luckily, your guinea pig will survive. Sorry about #1.I had to go through that.Poor Peanut.

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Q: What does it mean when a guinea pig has a tumor on its stomach?
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Could be built up gas, a tumor, or something else. This could be very serious take your pet to the vet ASAP.

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The gestation period for the guinea pig (I assume this is what the question is asking) is about 60-65 days.

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The heart in a guinea pig is in the body cavity between the front legs. It is not uncommon to be able to feel heartbeats in their stomach area.

How do you deal with a bad guinea pig?

By bad guinea pig do you mean it bites? A guinea pig will only bite if it feels threatened, scared or hurt.

What does it mean when a guinea pig rips fur off another guinea pig?

it's horny.

What does a guinea pigs stomach look like when there pregnant?

Yes, usually a pregnant guinea pig develops a pear shape when it is pregnant. Message me with any other guinea pig or rabbit questions!! :D Jillian

Your ginuea pig has a lump on his leg what could it be?

I am afraid is may be a sore, type of cancer, or a tumor. You should bring your guinea pig to the vet as soon as you can!

Guinea pig lumps?

TAKE THE GUINEA PIG TO THE VET. It could be very urgent. The piggy may have a tumor (which can be cancerous) or an abscess. It may also be a fatty lipoma. But don't waste your time reading all of this answer, just GET THAT GUINEA PIG TO THE VET ASAP.