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he is nervous

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Q: What does it mean when a guy doesn't want to hold your hand but he likes you?
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What does it mean if my boyfriend wont hold my hand or stand next to me?

it mean if my boyfriend doesnt hold the hand actually it means only bestfriends

What does it mean when you hold a boys hand and he doesnt move it?

It means that he is shy and scared to death! (Been there)

If a guy tells you that he likes your lips and they aren't going out does that mean he likes you?

it doesnt mean he likes you.

What does it mean when a boy ignores you when you are near?

Well sometimes it can mean several things.Sometimes it can mean he likes you but doesnt want to say something to you and sound like a dumb person.Sometimes it can mean this person can feel uncomfortable around you because your smarter than he is or he can't hold a conversation. In these cases it doesnt mean he likes you but it could mean that he is nervous. But it could also be that he likes you.And sometimes it can mean that the person just doesnt like the way you do something or the way you act or the way you look. If you and this boy fight alot when you're around each other then this is most likely the problem.

What does it mean when i start to hold a guy's hand and hes going with it?

He probubly likes you. If he didn't, he would have stoped you or tryed to find a way out of it.

What does he mean when he sais you mean a lot to me?

it doesnt necessarily mean he likes you, but that you have a special place in his heart.

If you boss wrap you back and try to hold both your hands what does this mean?

if your boss wrap your back and try to hold your hand what does this mean? if your boss wrap your back and try to hold your hand what does this mean? if your boss wrap your back and try to hold your hand what does this mean? if your boss wrap your back and try to hold your hand what does this mean?

What Does It Mean If A Boy Goes To A Girl To Congradulate Her On Something And He Shakes Her Hand. And While He Is Shaking Her Hand He Hold It For While?

It doesn't need to mean anything. I suppose you want to know if he likes you. He could or he could not but you won't find out by the way he shakes your hand

If a guy touches a girls hand does that mean he likes her?

Yes it does if they were holding hands and the girl wasn't upset atall but if it was just a brush of hands your looking to much into it and it doesnt really mean anything. Well, It doesnt mean he likes her unless hes actually holding onto it and shes holding back, if he just touches it, it could just be a bit of a mistake, it might of been an accident :)

It doesnt mean anything if a girl tells you that you would make a good husband right?

it might not. ask her about it. It depends on how hold you are. If you are still in school, she might just mean that she feels secure with you and that you are the kind of guy she likes.

He doesnt like me in that way.... what does it mean?

It means He likes you like a Friend, not a GirlFriend.

If a boy ignores you does it mean he hates you?

that, or he likes you a lot and doesnt want to show it.