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it can mean different things.

1. If he smiles at you a lot, he probably likes you

2. If he is just odd, then not.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy has sudden mood swings around you?
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How can you stop your mood swings?

Unfortunately it is not really something you can control. You just have to learn to cope with your sudden swings.

All of a sudden frequent mood swings could mean pregnant?

it could be but first see your doctor because bi-polar disease has exactly these symptoms

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there will be signs like your body will ache for about 1 month and you will get sudden mood swings

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It's different for every one, but you will expierence sudden mood swings

If you are having huge mood swings is it mood swings?

Yup. A mood swing is a mood swing.

When do you know you are about to begin your menstrual cycle?

You will probably have some white discharge in your underwear, or have very sudden mood swings (PMS)

Do mood swings make me bipolar?

Mood swings are a symptom of bipolar; but that does not definitively mean you are bipolar; your best bet is to go to a doctor. There are times when you may have symptoms but not the disease.

Do you have mood swings when you have your periods?

It is very normal to have mood swings during your period.

What do girls do if they get full mood?

If you mean what do they do if they get moody they obviously have mood swings, have some sort of craving, maybe PMS'ing

Do you have a fever when your around 1 week pregnant?

Yes. Because of the mood swings

What does mood swings and going to bathroom a lot mean?

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What do girls mean when they say whatever?

It means theyre having mood swings...