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I honestly love it when boys say this. When guys talk about a friend, this "friend" is usually imaginary. They want to say friend because they're afraid of telling their own feelings upfront, but they want you to know their feelings at the same time. He's most likely saying that this "friend" (himself) likes you, and that he's not the only one (referring to his actual self) who has a crush on you. To honestly find out his feelings, ask him to a movie or perhaps a group event. Quote, "he's not the only one", it makes it sound like he likes you. But you'll never know if you don't try, so be bold and ask him out!

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It means he likes you and likes you to be near him.

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Q: What does it mean when a guy says he is fond of you?
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What does it mean when a man says I am fond of you?

when i say or any other guy says im fond of u it means we are very used to u and we enjoy or like having u around =) hoped that helped

What does a girl mean when she says she's very fond of a guy?

It means they kinda like you. They are not sure yet if they like you alot but they are kinda into you

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What does it mean when a man says he is fond of you?

Fond is an old English word for like. He means he has some feelings for you. He likes you.

What does it mean when someone says their very fond of you?

If someone says they are very fond of someone else it usually means that they really like that person as a friend. It does not usually mean that they're them as a boyfriend or girlfriend.

What does it mean when a person says you are dear to me?

It means they care a lot for you. Are fond of you.

What does it mean when a man says to another man it's always a pleasure to see you?

It means nothing, but is polite conversation.

If a guy says that you are pretty does that mean a guy likes u?

If a guy says that you are pretty it does not mean that he likes you. He could like you, or he could just be paying you a compliment.

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most likely he is saying that when he fell in love with you it was your real self not someone who is trying to pretend they are someone their not. just act yourself like when you first met the guy and it will be all good!!!!!!!

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It means he is the problem....not you

What does it mean when a guy says 'get on me'?

Dude he wants to do IT!!!!!