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Q: What does it mean when a guy wants to know when can we hang out?
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What does it mean when you hang up on a guy and he calls you back?

He wants to talk to you and want to know why you hung up on him.

What does it mean if guys like you?

If a guy likes you it means that he is attracted to you and wants to hang out with you and get to know you a little bit better.

What does it mean when a guy says he wants to become closer with you?

He wants to get to know you. This means that he wants to be closer friends and he wants to hang out with you more. He could be sending signals that he likes you and wants you to like him back.

What does it mean when a guy talking to you on a dating site and afterwards adds you on facebook?

it means he likes you! he wants to get to know you, talk hang out!

What does it mean when a guy says seriously you should hang out?

It depends. It could mean that he likes you as a friend and simply wants to "hang out" (spend time with you as a friend). It could mean that he wants to get to know you better, or that he is actually asking you out for a date, but finds it difficult or "not cool" to specifically ask for a date. Ok... But what are some examples of hanging out?

What does it mean when a guy say he wants to hang out?

it means he wanna sleep with u

What does it mean when your guy friend calls you when he is drunk?

It means that he wants to hang out bro

What does it mean if a guy Friend is always calling you and wants to hang out?

Well it doesn't always means that he likes you because I know that's what your thinking! It could mean that he might just want to hang out! BUT yes it could mean that he likes you!

What does it mean when a guy doesn't want to be Alone with you but he wants to hang out?

honey that means kick him to the curb!!!!

What does it mean when a guy says he wants to explore?

He wants to get to know your body.

If you tell a guy you like them and then after they ask you to hang does it mean they are interested or they just want to get to know you oh ya he keeps calling me hun...?

Neither. He just wants to have sex.

What if you like a guy and you don't know him but you know what he looks like?

u should say if she wants t hang more often