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Unfortunately this is a term that has put that girl in the friend zone. Though if you like this guy, you aren't forever stuck in the friend zone by all means. But around the time he says it, all he considers that girl as is a friend.

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Q: What does it mean when a guys says he will always consider a girl his friend?
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chickas or a 4 tow[a group of frends that hang out and do diffrent things

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depends on what the girl talks to you about. if she talks about her friend all the time, she's probably trying to hook you guys up-the girl probably likes you. if she just talks to you a lot in general about everything though, then she likes you. derr. it's not that hard to figure out.

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No. At least, not to me.

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if its a girl friend; amica if its a guy friend; amico if its a group of friends (masculine or a mix of girls and guys); amici if its a group of all girl friends; amiche

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