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You will never see your horse again... it possibly ran away or there was an internal error.

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Q: What does it mean when a horse disappears on howrse?
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What happens to the horses companion when the horse dies on howrse?

it disappears with the horse from your account

How do horses disappear on Howrse?

When a horse disappears on Howrse, it means the player that owned it quit their game and thus the horses data ceased to exist.

How do you get a traveling horse on Howrse?

If you mean Wandering Horse's then you wait for howrse to release them, then complete the objectives that come with them!

What does it mean when your horse is in gestation on Howrse?

It means your horse is pregnant.On Howrse, gestation is a period of time when your mare is pregnant.

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An immortal horse means the horse can not die.

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In Howrse What is Founder?

If you mean a foundie (foundation horse), a foundation horse is a horse that is the son/daughter of Gaea and Ouranous (not sure if I spelled that right). It is a first generation horse. ~eventinglover (my howrse username)

What does offspring mean on Howrse?

It means the horse's foal/s.

How do you nurse your horse on Howrse?

You click on the icon with a bottle on it to nurse your horse on howrse

What happens on howrse when your golden apple disappears?

It only means that the coat is retired and that if you want that coat again, you can't choose a pass or anything to buy it. You would have to go to the sales and find a horse with the coat already on the horse.

What does it mean when it says it's too late to cover your horse on Howrse?

It means that you have already Castrated your horse and you cannot cover your horse after that

On Howrse what does it mean when your horse is gelding?

Well a gelding is a male horse who can no longer make a female pregnant (if u know what i mean haha)