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I don't think it *necessarily* means anything out of the ordinary. Some feminine body washes/sprays are formulated to be more appealing to men. Which is why most women go crazy for products like Axe, Tag, or Old Spice! :)

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Q: What does it mean when a male does somethings a woman typically would ie liking feminine body wash scents liking feminine smelling shampoo or body spray?
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What is an inexpensive good strong smelling shampoo?

Aveeno Natural Active Shampoo and Conditioner. Also Herbal Essence.

How do you stop a cat from smelling?

Give it a bath - using cat shampoo.

Is Denorex shampoo ok to use on a dog?

It might be okay but somethings can be harmful to the dogs skin and hair. I would recommend giving it flea and tick shampoo. Also oatmeal shampoo is very good for their coat.

Why does shampoo make your hair smell good?

Find a good smelling shampoo and conditioner and use it when you shower and you'll see a big difference in the way your hair smells! :)

What is the best smelling shampoo in the world?

Herbal Essences! The coconut milk and orchid scented. It's smells awesome!

Do people smell better than dolphins?

People normally smeel better than dolphins but if you wash a dolphin really well with a really good smelling scented shampoo, they might turn out smelling the same.

How do you turn frizzy hair to shiny hair?

why dont you use frizzy to smooth shampoo. Maybe a swith of shampoo will give you shiny,pretty,great smelling beautiful hair. You can buy it at your local super store. Bye!

What is a good strong smelling shampoo?

normaly youl be able to smell the shampoo after youve applied it but after a hour or so youl get use to the smell,but ppl around u will still b able to smell it, just brush it abit

How do a guy smell of cologne when doesn't where any?

He might not wear cologne, but he may use some kind of body wash, or good smelling shampoo, such as axe.

Why do you shampoo?

WHY DO YOU SHAMPOO Shampooing gets rid of build up of dirt and greasy, stops the hair smelling, and generally cleanses the hair. Though it is possible for shampoos to be specifically made to not just cleanse the hair, but to improve shine, boost volume, and much more.

How to grow thicker hair?

To grow thicker hair, focus on maintaining a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals, avoid excessive heat styling and chemical treatments, use a gentle shampoo and conditioner, and consider using products with ingredients like biotin, keratin, and castor oil. Additionally, regular scalp massages and avoiding tight hairstyles can help improve circulation to the hair follicles and promote thicker hair growth.

What is the price for a cut and shampoo at Supercuts?

The price for a hair cut and a shampoo at the Supercuts is going to vary depending upon where in the country it is located but typically 10-15 dollars on average.