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Q: What does it mean when a man points out you want them with a smile on their face?
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What does it mean when your boyfriends texts you a smiley face?

That Means They Are Trying To Be Polite And Sending You A Smile .. Or Maybe They Want To Talk .

What does it mean when a girl you barely know gets very close to your face and smile?

It means shes been checking u out and she doesn't want to be a stranger anymore.=)

What would Nick Jonas want for his birthday?

Maybe a nice hug from my fan, i mean his fan and I would like to c a smile on my face when u come i mean never mind huh

How do you know if person you barely know points out how you sleep and that you want them with a smile does that mean they are interested?

If a person watches you sleep and says they want to sleep with you, then yes, this stalker is interested. I wouldn't get too involved, however. You know how stalkers can be......

What does it mean when a boy you like plays around and say they like you too?

Well, if they say it with a serious and straight face and if their face is red and they look kinda embarressed then its true. But if they say it with a smile and looks like they want to laugh, they are just playing around with you.

What does it mean when you have a stare comp with a girl and you start to smile?

Nothing, it's common to want to smile during a stare comp no matter with who

What does it mean if a guy tries not to smile when he hasn't seen you in a long time?

He doesn't want you to see him smile? Are you sure he was actually holding back a smile? He doesn't want you to know how he feels...why???? that depends on who this guy is to you and many other factors.

One may smile and smile and be no friend heart should smile with the face?

what does this question mean...i think you mean one may smile and be no friend ''do they smile'' the face. (its not really a question but ill answer it) yes... just because someone smiles at you it doesnt mean they like you, they can just merely be saying leave or why is she talking to me. i do this quite often especially to the boys who hit on me. but although that is one way to decipher why someone may smile at you it may be because htey are being friendly or very kind they may want to talk to you or something in that catergory, people who smile but dont mean anything by the smile just means their happy but bc you put your catergory in teen dating i think it can be both smiles ''can'' mean something or they ''dont'' for example someone you like may smile at you and you would probably take it that the smile means ur crush likes you back and vice versa i hope i answered ur question my name is cassiegrll and you can place more questions on my boutique if youd like ... (its for boys too if ur a boy)

What does it mean when a girl sends a smiley faces a lot?

She may not be interested so to be nice she text jback just a smile face

When was I Want to Make You Smile created?

I Want to Make You Smile was created in 1979.

What does se sonrie mean in english?

'Sonrías' is the second person singular familiar present subjunctive of 'sonreír' - 'to smile.' To a person who is NOT smiling, you might say, "Quiero que tú sonrías." A literal translation is "I want that you smile." While NOT the infinitive verb per se, it also translates as, "I want you to smile."

What does quiero donar tu sonrissa a la Luna mean?

I want to give you smile to the moon.