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Q: What does it mean when a question asks you to label the base and the exponent and also asks you what the number represents?
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Write a power and label the base and the exponent?

This question is actually very simple- but it's worded in a way that might seem confusing. It's just asking you to write down any old number to some power, and then to say which number is called the base, and which the exponent. 23 is a "power." The 2 is the base, and 4 is the exponent. It means "2 times 2 times 2". The exponent is the number in smaller font, that tells you how many of the base number to multiply together. 2795834 is also a power, that's the same as multiplying 95834 27's together.

How do you label the area of a triangle?

You label it with an exponent 2, because it is squared-half of a square.... YALL SHOOD NO DAT.

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the record label numbers are on the record itself just outside the actual label. there will be some numbers letters etc. the number with the circle around it represents the printing.

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Deoxyribonucleic acid is the label that represents the coding part of DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid is a self-replicating material and found in most living organisms.

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You must label the number 4 with a unit of measure before the question can be answered.

Yamaha yz what year is your bike Decoding the VIN number or number on label under the seat?

The 10th digit represents the year. Here is a great article to help you decode the full atv vin number.

The letter on fire extinguisher label represents how much water extinguisher contains?


What is the x axis label?

It depends on your question

Can the UN be printed on the Dangerous goods label?

The UN number can be printed beside the dangerous goods label or on the label

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Forms that are not tax forms are not label U.S. Individual Tax Forms. Forms that are not number with state revenue or identifying number in the upper header or foot of the form in question.

What symbol is used before a number to make it a label?

The symbol used before a number to make it a label is a hash sign (#).

What does 57 H V stand for?

57 Heinz Varities This can be seen on the label of all Heinz products and represents the number of products Heinz has. These problems are called Ditloids and there are many many more.