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If you have red lines running away from a bite on your skin then that means it is infected. It needs treated and if the lines multiply or get bigger, you should see a doctor.

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Q: What does it mean when a red line runs up your arm from a bug bite?
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What does it mean when a red line is running up your right arm when you have a bug bite or ingrown hair?

It could be a sign of infection. You really should have a doctor check it out.

It is on my arm and I did a lot of google searches but the only result that came up were Bed Bugs were THREE verticle lines This is one verticle line What kind of bug bite is in ONE verticle line?

Do you mean a linear sequence of bites, or an actual linear mark on your arm? If it's a linear sequence of bites, I know spiders tend to bite that way.

What should you do when your arm is numb after a bite?

Depends on what kind of bite you mean, if it's by a snake or other animal, you should seek medical attention asap.

Could you have a bug bite on your arm if you have a small bump on your arm that is swollen?

It could be a bug bite,or a infected hair folical.

What does ray and line mean in math?

a ray in maths is a arm of an angle.

What if a red line is moving across your arm?

If there is a red line moving across your arm, it might mean you were bitten by something and it gave you an infection. The red line is your tendon swelling. See a doctor immediatley

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What does it mean when a British person says 'bite your arm off'?

Please calm down and don't be alarmed, this doesn't mean someone is trying to eat you. We British are not a cannibalistic bunch and I can assure you that we do not nibble on people's arms for no reason (well, most of us anyway). 'Bite your arm off' in Britain is a slang expression meaning 'be very overly excited'. For example: "I say jolly ol'wife o'mine, I presume the kids would bite your arm off if they knew we were taking them to that spiffing Disney World this weekend".

What could cause itching on your arm on top of the joint?

a mosquito bite???

How many bites dose it take to bite your arm off?


What does the french word arm mean?

arm y it mean arm

What is the simple subject of his arm was twisted in the tackle on the thirty-yard line?

The simple subject of "his arm was twisted in the tackle on the thirty-yard line" is "arm".