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Q: What does it mean when atoms form double or triple bonds?
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How many bonds can one carbon atom form with another carbon atom?

They can each form four bonds.

What are three types of bonds carbon atoms can form?

look at the numbermber of valance electrons in a given element then see if you could get it to combine with carbons valence electrons to add up to 8 theres too many compounds to count remember you can have as many atoms in a molicule as you want and carbon combines with itself to equil 8 electrons it has four valence electrons

Is O3 a triple bond?

Oxygen likes to form single or double bonds. However it does form a triple bond in the case of CO (That is the only triple bond occurance to my knowledge)

How is carbon able to form single double and triple bonds?

carbon's electronegativity is about 2.4 or 2.5, so the electronegativity difference with other elements leads to sharing of electrons. Since carbon has 4 outer shell electrons it needs to form 4 bonds. If there are not enough other atoms to form all these bonds to become stable carbon atoms will form bonds with other carbon atoms. If there are insufficient hydrogen atoms to form single bonds then two adjacent carbon atoms will form multiple (double or triple) bonds in order for the outer energy level to 'get' 8 electrons and become stable.

How many electrons would carbon have to gain to form a covalent bond?

Carbon atoms do not gain electrons to form a covalent bond. Carbon atoms form four covalent bonds by sharing its four valence electrons with the valence electrons of other atoms. These can be single bonds, in which one pair of electrons is shared; double bonds, in which two pairs of electrons are shared; or triple bonds, in which three electrons are shared; or a combination of these.

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What element has atoms that can form single double and triple covalent bonds with other atoms of carbon?

Nitrogen can form single, double, and triple bonds with carbon. The triple bond form is called cyanide.

Why can Florine form double or triple bonds?

Fluorine does not form double or triple bonds.

How many bonds does each carbon have?

The most common form is the single bond, carbon atoms can also form double bonds or triple bonds.

Can carbon only form single bonds?

No. Benzene (C6H6) is a base for very many carbocyclic compounds. It contains six carbon atoms in a hexagon. The bonds between the carbon atoms are alternately single and double. The fourth is with the hydrogen. Acetylen (C2H2) jas a triple carbon-to-carbon bond.

Valence electrons can come together to form what kind of covalent bonds between atoms?

Singe, double, and triple bonds

What can atoms form that double or triple that depend on whether they share two or three pairs of electrons?

covalent bonds

What is the number of covalent bonds a carbon atom can form with another atoms?

Carbon can form single, double or triple bonds with other C atoms to create straight, branched, or closed ring chains.

Can carbon atoms only form a single bond between other carbon atoms?

no, single, double, and triple are allowed. That is what makes organic chemistry so flexible.

Why must unsaturated hydrocarbons have a minimum of two carbons?

The name hydrocarbon means that the only elements in the compound are hydrogen and carbon. Unsaturated means there are double or triple bonds in the compound. Hydrogen atoms cannot form double or triple bonds, but two carbon atoms can. Thus unsaturated hydrocarbons must have a minimum of two carbon atoms.

Does nitrogen form single bonds only?

No; nitrogen can form single, double, or triple bonds.

When atoms of two different elements share one or more pairs of electrons what bond does it form?

Covalent bonds, (single, double, triple)

What kinds of bonds can carbon atoms form?

A double carbon bond is a covalent bond. Also carbon atoms can form double bonds. Carbon shares electrons with other atoms.