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Atticus is suggesting that only the innocent and pure at heart, like children, have the capacity to weep for the injustices and cruelties they witness in the world, as they have not yet been hardened by experience or prejudice. He is highlighting the unique empathy and sensitivity that children possess.

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Q: What does it mean when atticus says that only children weep?
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In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, it is Atticus Finch who says, "It's a sin to kill a mockingbird." He uses this analogy to teach his children about the importance of protecting the innocent and vulnerable in society.

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When Atticus says "They," he is likely referring to the collective society or community, suggesting a group of people who may hold certain beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors that he is addressing or challenging in his statement. By using "They," Atticus is highlighting a broader societal perspective rather than singling out any individual.

What does atticus mean when he says They've done it before and they did it tonight and they'll do it again and when they do it seems that only children weep?

Atticus is referring to the injustice and prejudice that exists in society. He warns that racism and discrimination have happened in the past, are happening now, and will likely continue in the future. He believes that the pure and innocent perspective of children is needed to truly see the wrong in such actions.

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When Atticus says "it's not time to worry yet" in "To Kill a Mockingbird," he is trying to reassure his children, Scout and Jem, that the impending trial and societal prejudices they face can still be handled with hope and patience. He is encouraging them to keep their composure and have faith in the justice system, despite the challenges ahead.

Why Does Atticus say that there should be a police force of children?

Atticus Finch says there should be a police force of children because they are unbiased, truthful, and see things from a different perspective than adults. Children have a sense of fairness and justice that can be more pure and untainted by prejudice or bias.

Does Atticus Finch make a lot of money in To Kill a Mockingbird?

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