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Q: What does it mean when blood coagulate all most instantly with a leg injury?
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What does it mean if you expel a small clot shortly after the depo shot?

It means the blood pooled in the uterus and vagina long enough to start to coagulate.

What does the root mean in the term of anticoagulant?

Well let me try to answer this one. Coagulant is from the word coagulation; which means the process of blood clotting. So the word in whole is something that prevents blood from clotting; or root word being coagulant(blood clotting). Hope that helps? The verb is coagulate and probably the other forms of the word stem from the verb. Coagulate means: (of a fluid, especially blood) change to a solid or semi-solid state. adjective - coagulable noun - coagulation / coagulate / coagulator adjective - coagulative

Your dogs penis was dripping blood is it natural what can it mean?

No, there has been an injury or infection. Consult your vet.

What is the definition of ogulate?

Did you mean coagulate? That means to transform a liquid into a mass that is either semi-solid or solid.

What does curdle mean?

To change into curd; coagulate; congeal. To spoil; turn sour. To go wrong; turn bad or fail

What does elevated Ck mean in blood tests?

to check if some muscle has been damaged after heart attack surgery or injury

Your hamster had blood in her cage does it mean shes pregnant?

not necessarily, he or she could have a injury. check your hamster for cuts before believing its pregnant.

What does it mean when they find blood in a knee aspiration?

Not sure how old this is, but regardless...usually if there is swelling and they withdraw blood from the knee, it is a result of knee injury. The blood is usually from a broken/cracked bone or torn fibers in cartilidge or ligaments.

Does bruising mean poor circulation?

A bruise does not mean that you have poor circulation. Healthy persons can also have it because it is basically caused by trauma or injury. The blood vessel was injured, allowing blood to "escape" the vessel and go towards neighboring tissues.

What does slump mean?

to slump or go to asleep instantly

What does it mean if you have dried blood on your tongue?

Probably bleeding gums or you bit your tongue while asleep.

What do you mean by online processing?

online means which done instantly