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Q: What does it mean when cardiac silhouette is upper than normal?
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What does it mean when a cardiac silhouette is at the upper limit of normal?

Cardiac silhouette is prominent with a left ventricular configuration.

What does the medical abbreviation NSR mean?

Normal Sinus Rythym (cardiac)

What does silhouette mean?

A silhouette is a dark outline of a person or thing.

What does the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable on a chest x-ray mean?

the lining sac for the heart is within normal limits

What does it mean if your pulmonary outflow track is dilated above the upper limits of normal?

it means for it to out some people

What does cardiac mean?

Cardiac is a medical term to refer to the heart.

Is silhouette a verb?

It can be used as a verb to mean that you are outlining something.

What is cardiac charisma?

Possibly you mean cardiac arrhythmia? This is a medical term for an irregular heartbeat.

What do the term cardiac mean?

The term cardiac means 'related to the heart' and comes from Greek for heart.

Who is the silhouette at the beginning of the first episode in pokemon?

If you mean the "Who's That Pokemon" silhouette from the very first episode, it's pikachu! Everyone knows Pikachu of course!

What does it mean when a physician says the cardiomediastinal silhouette was unremarkable?

When a physician says the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable, it means that the shape and size of the heart and mediastinum seen on imaging are within normal limits and there are no abnormal findings or masses. This suggests that the heart and surrounding structures appear normal without any obvious abnormalities.

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