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If they're both male or female they are fighting. If one is male and one female then they are preparing to mate

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Q: What does it mean when goldfish look like they are kissing?
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What is is mean if you like kissing someone?

you either like them or you just like their kisses

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no, only if you like it(:

What does it mean when a goldfish has white on its head?

What dose it mean when a male goldfish has Lumps on it's body and it head

Is Justin Bieber a goldfish?

IF you mean literally a goldfish, no. Just no. Otherwise provide information on what you mean by a "goldfish".

What does a mind like a goldfish mean?

This means that you cant remember things. As goldfish can not retain anything fo more then 3 seconds

What does it mean when a goldfish is nipping the other goldfish?

If theyre different types of goldfish, check theyre suitable to live with each other. If they are, then theyre just fighting over space because the tanks too small. If that's the case, get a bigger one asap. Remember one goldfish needs 10 gallons of water >_< So a couple will need a LOT!!

What does it mean if you daydream of the guy you like wanting a hug from you and telling you that he likes you and kissing you?

That you like him

What does it mean if you dreamed of someone kissing you on the cheek but you ignored it?

You don't like them

What does it mean when it looks like a string is coming out the end of a goldfish?

The fish is pooping.

What does ldlk mean in texting?

I Don't Like Kissing - could be one possibility !

What does a fight look like?

If you mean like a Siamese fighting fish or beta fish they are like.. size of a ordinary goldfish I think and can be many colors but the fins are long and wavy it's a very elegant fish but still has the intend to kill another fish. But these are only the males. The females brownish maybe goldish. Not as flowy on the fins and looks for like a goldfish. ;)

If a boy kisses you a lot does he like you?

It depends. Does he look into your eyes? Does he tell you he likes you? Does he act like he cares? None of these are guarentees. Everyone acts differently. Kissing can mean that he likes you or it could just mean lust. Use your judgment and what you know about the guy.