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They are upset with you because you have not given them a new toy or a treat.

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Q: What does it mean when hamsters bite you?
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Will a gerbil or a hamsters bite you?

It depends on the hamster but probably yes i mean though ive had my hamsters for a year and they didn't bite anyone yet

Do hamsters bite do protect their property?

Any animal will bite to protect their property.Ecspecislly Hamsters.

Do female hamsters bite a lot?

Female hamsters are usually more grumpy than males, but that doesn't mean female hamsters are worse pets than males!

Why do hamsters bite you?

Hamsters usally bite if you touch them in the wrong placeor if they are in stress or if they hurt them self

What is a hamster defense?

It depends on the hamsters temperament. Most hamsters will run and hide, but if backed into a corner they will bite. Other hamsters will just bite right away.

Can a spider bite a hamster?

Yes. Spiders can bite a hamsters.

Why are robo hamsters vicious?

They are suppost to be no bite hamsters. Has it attacked you more than once? Maybe you need to gain his/her trust. It takes about a week or so. They aren't mean at all! They are bred not to bite. I have one and it has never bit me b4.

How do hamsters bite?

With Their teeth Maybe?

Can hamsters bite people?

of course

Do dwarf hamsters bite more than reg hamsters and gerbils?


Do hamsters bite a bunch?

Hamsters bite depending on their mood. Older hamsters usally don't bite a lot anymore. Young and middle aged hamsters still may bite sometimes.Be careful! They may need their teeth cut by using small wood sticks to keep them from over growing.So don't forget about their teeth and biting you.

How are hamsters sweet and friendly creatures?

It depends on the hamster, some are nice and cute, while others can be mean and bite.