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Q: What does it mean when hundreds of white doves descend?
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What does 5 white doves mean?

It doesn't mean anything.

What does it mean when you have tons of white doves fly over your head?

it means good luck. I THINK

What does it mean when you see 5 white doves flying?

It doesn't really mean anything. It just means the white doves are circling above your home. If you are into all of the symbolism stuff, it could mean peace to the household.

Flock of doves?

A white dove alone commonly symbolizes peace. Many believe that a flock of white doves mean some kind of miracle or a message from God.

What does 3 white doves mean?

Three white does are a Christian symbol of the The Trinity, and/or the Holy Spirit. They are a very auspicious sign of peace and purity.

What is the meaning of two gray doves?

The symbolic symbol of two white doves is the Holy Spirit. When you see the doves, it can also mean peace to you.

What is descend in Spanish?

There are a couple verbs that can mean "to descend": descender , bajar.

What does doves mean?

No great mystery. Doves are often called love birds.

How did doves protest against the war?

doves mean peace -answered by a 1st grader

What does it mean to see two white doves twice in one day?

Evidently someone released some near you. Otherwise, it means nothing.

What does white dove release mean?

The white dove release is often done at weddings. This part of the ceremony has a lot of symbolism and meaning. The doves symbolize love, peace, happiness, and prosperity.

What do tattoos of doves mean?

Doves mean hope,peace and pure, they also stand for someones spirit that has been released from earth and is on its way to heaven