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I think you might have cancer? that's what happened to someone I know

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Q: What does it mean when one side of your abdomen is bigger then the other?
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Where does the stomach lie with reference esophagus?

It lies on the left side of the abdomen, while the liver lies on the other side (right side) of the abdomen.

What is your apedix for?

If you mean the Appendix, it is in the lower right side of the abdomen.

What does it mean when your left side hurt around the abdemen and vomiting?

what does it mean when your left side hurt around abdomen and you vomit

What does Bright yellow urine and abdomen pain on one side mean?

Go to the doctor.

Is it true that one side of your stomach will be bigger than the other when you are pregnant in the early weeks?

No. The uterus is down in the pelvis and will not alter the shape of your abdomen until at least 12 weeks. However what many women do find is that they become windy and/or constipated and this may cause bloating which changes the contours of the abdomen.

Why Does a Breast bigger then the other?

The right side and the left side of the body are not the same size. Usually you have one that is bigger and you notice it buying shoes for instance when one shoe is slightly bigger then the other. A breast can also hang lower then the other so it seem larger.

Where is location of liver?

Right side of the abdomen, under the lower ribs extending into the abdomen at the bottom

What is the side of an animal called?

Ventral relates to the belly or abdomen of the frog.

Where is the liver located it?

its on the right side of abdomen.

When you have two numbers side by side and you need to show which is greater then the other with the symbol in the middle what does the symbol look like example 4 sym 5?

> means greater than. You put the bigger number on the left side of the symbol. Just remember that the left side of > is bigger and the right side is smaller. So the bigger numbers goes on the bigger side and the smaller number goes on the smaller side.

Do spiders have a head thorax and abdomen?

no they have an abdomen, and a cephalothorax.

Why is one side of ma body bigger then the other?

cuz u fat.