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It could be a clever and unique way to start a conversation.

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Q: What does it mean when someone asks you what is up with your obsession?
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How should you respond when someone asks you to the prom?

That is up to you; either a yes or a no.

What do you say when someone asks you What is up?

The safest answer is... The Sky. B/c the sky is what is accually up :)

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It means: would you protect her? Next time she asks you that tell her "I wouldn't let them hurt you in the first place"

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When your teacher asks what something means to you, he or she doesn't mean for you to write down someone else's thoughts. The assignment was for you to look up the meaning of the terms and see what you think about each of them.

What can hook up mean when someone asks if you want to hook up with them?

"Hooking up" can mean different things to different people. For instance: * It can mean "catch you later" - "let's hook up later" * It can refer to beginning to date - "the two of them hooked up and are together" * It can refer to fool around or sex - "they hooked up last night after the party"

How do you reply when someone asks up and about?

It depends on if you ARE up and about yet. If you're awake and out of bed, you say "yes" but if you're not, you say "no."

What does it mean when a question asks you this how will you set up your project?

Get help from a friend r an adult

What does it mean when someone dreams about spending their life with you?

It means be careful. I'm not trying to scare you, but if this someone is the opposite sex then there is a good chance that they are making it up. Boys at this age will do almost anything if they think it might lead to them having sex with someone. Wether it's a boy or a girl, you need to be careful. Either they are trying to manipulate you or they have a serious obsession with you.

If a boy asks a girl if you want to meet up and go for a ride in his car does this mean he likes you?

it probably means he wants 2 hve sex with u, if u go with him hve someone with u

Will you get notifications on Tumblr when someone asks something on your ask you anything page?

yes, it comes up on your message box.

What does it mean if the guy you are dating asks you if you would get mad if he hooked up with someone?

He's nicely telling you he is ready to move on, he doesn't want to hurt you by saying its over,he is letting you down easy... I would move on and find someone else , that's what he is going to do.

What does it mean when a guy asks a girl if you think hes shallow?

A guy who asks that question is worried that you do not fully respect him. It is up to you whether you think he should be reassured or not.